Get started

Welcome to the quick start guide for the App Quality Copilot API. This guide will help you understand how to interact with our API to trigger Test Cases for your mobile App. For comprehensive details on the API objects and their relationships, please refer to our API reference documentation.

1. Before you begin

Before initiating any requests to the API, make sure you have a mobile app ready your file system. For Android, this is typically an "APK" file (Android Application Package), and for iOS, an executable build compatible with Xcode Simulators is required.

App Quality Copilot doesn't support uploading an "IPA". IPAs are designed to be executed on Physical/Real devices, and our platform executes it only on Simulators.

For iOS apps, you need to upload a Zipped Simulator build.

Obtaining Your API Key and Project ID

Every call to our API must include your unique API secret key and a Project ID. You can find your Project ID under the Triggers tab inside the App Quality Copilot console. After gaining access to the dashboard, an API key will be generated for you. Please contact us to obtain your API key.

2. Using our API

Upload your App

Begin by uploading your mobile app using the updated API endpoint.

  • Replace /path/to/app/android.apk with the actual path to your build file:

  • Replace proj_01hrv and sk_live_3afBO...1ewM with your Project ID and API Key respectively

  • Tag your build so you can easily reference it later when triggering a Test Suite. Here we're using the nightly tag.

curl \
    -F "file=@/path/to/app/android.apk" \
    -F "tags=nightly" \
    -u "sk_live_3afBO...1ewM:"

If the upload is successful, you will receive a response containing the Build ID.

  "id": "bd_01hq3arydfenz9s3f0ytd7yv3k"

Triggering a Test Suite

With the upload completed, you can now trigger the test cases under a test suite for your build.

  • Replace nightly with the same tag used in the previous step

  • Replace ts_01hv2 with the Test Suite ID. You can find your Test Suite ID on the Test Suite page in the App Quality Copilot console.

  • Replace proj_01hrv and sk_live_3afBO...1ewM with your Project ID and API Key respectively

curl \
    -d '{
        "buildTag": "nightly",
        "testSuiteId": "ts_01hv2"
    }' \
    -u "sk_live_3afBO...1ewM:" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json"

If successful, the API will return the status of each Test Run initiated for each Test Case.

3. View results

Check the App Quality Copilot console to see the results of your API interactions. The dashboard will display detailed information about the Test Runs for this build.

Slack and Email Notifications coming soon

Last updated