Deprecated API Migration Guide

API Version 1 is deprecated effective 04 June 2024

Version 1 APIs are being deprecated to make way for more usable and maintainable alternatives in version 2. With more exciting changes to come, you can expect more thoughtful design moving forward.

With that in mind, as of 30 April, 2024 the API version 1 is deprecated, and it will be removed permanently on 04 June 2024.

What will happen if I do nothing?

Since the v1 APIs will be removed, any apps or services still using v1 resources will not work. You'll need to update it to use a v2 alternative as soon as possible.

Understand the changes

  • Renaming of Requirements -> Test Cases.

  • Addition of Projects

    • Project is grouping of both Test Cases and Builds.

    • As part of the migration process, every customer will have Project for each App it has.

  • Running Test Cases against a Test Suite

    • On v1 we allowed to run all the Test Cases for a given Build. Now you need to specify a Test Suite ID when using the v2 API. A Test Suite is a grouping of Test Cases.

What do I need to do?

  • The Project ID is required as a Path Parameter. You can find your Project ID under the Triggers tab inside the App Quality Copilot console

  • The V2 API does not allow triggering all the test cases. You need to first group into a Test Suite.

    • Inside the console you can create a Test Suite to group the desired Test Cases, then use the Test Suite ID to trigger the test cases with the new API.

Last updated